5 Uses of WD-40 for Solving Household Problems


WD-40 is one of the most frequently encountered products in your pantry. Certainly, you are familiar with its functions: perfect as a clean-as-you-go solution, especially if you need to polish rusty metal surfaces and deal with many other annoyances that require lubrication. At the moment you see the familiar bright colours of this spray can, you will have a trustworthy solution against a lot of troublemaking chores. Here are the 5 proofs that WD-40 is an invaluable addition to your home and garden.

Proof 1: Removal of Sticky Substances on Different Surfaces


Your kid is wreaking havoc in your home with a crayon in hand? Don’t think that you will never be that kind of parent – before long, your walls will be covered with the depictions of your kid’s fantasy. You will need a can of WD-40 and a clean cloth, that’s all you need before you start teaching lessons. Follow the instructions written on the product’s can and you will be able to remove stickers, glue, tape, clay and other sticky substances. WD-40 is invaluable to grown-ups with Peter Pan complex too – if you have a samurai sword from a pawn shop, you can lubricate the blade with the good old WD-40. Same applies for Hattori Hanzo swords, although it’s an extremely unlikely that you own anything that he ever made.

Proof 2: Your Garden Will Have Less Animal Intruders

You want to attract more birds in your garden and enjoy their singing but those pesky squirrels are feasting on the bird food? Apply WD-40 to the poles you use to place your feeders. The squirrels will not be harmed by the spray and yet they will be unable to climb. You will force them to keep their sticky little paws away. Tired of pigeons and their bombing raids over your balcony? Good news indeed – they cannot stand the smell of your WD-40.

Proof 3: Use It Against Freezing Cold


Yup, they are about to shovel again.

When the frost hits the emerald isles, it is time to use WD-40. You can apply it to locks to prevent freezing. It will be useful when your garage is not properly insulated or if your parking lot is exposed to the elements. When winter is coming and you take the role of a man of the Night Watch, remember – the Night Watchmen may have the honour to die by spectacular deaths but most of the time they are just shovelling. When it’s your turn to share their routine, use the spray to prevent the clinging of snow (not the mopey bastard that doesn’t know anything) to your tool. Use WD-40 to spray it on windows and prevent the forming of icy layers on your windows.

Proof 4: It Works Well as an Insect-Repelling Solution

The entry points of the insects that may come into your house are your door frames, screens and windowsills. If you don’t have nets to block the entry of bugs, you can spray WD-40 on these focal points. You can also use the spray as a substitute for most insect killers – a direct shot of the substance will deal with most invertebrate pests.

Proof 5: Prolong the Life of Your Leather

You can use WD-40 to make any type of leather soft. This treatment is efficient for dog collars, biker gloves, leather boots and other footwear. Furthermore, you will also deal with persistent stains on these leather objects. The stains on your vehicle’s upholstery will no longer give you the heebie jeebies.

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